



















Dialog Box


A New Year

Monday, January 11, 2021

As we move into 2021 we have learned to appreciate what we may have taken for granted, it is a time to celebrate what we have.

To our partners, property owners, donors, supporters and volunteers, both old and new we appreciate everything you do and everything you give, your generosity continues to amaze and overwhelm us.

To our guests, those we know and those we are yet to meet we are here for you.

We are looking forward to being back in the office from Monday 4th January and continuing to work together to provide as many gifted stays as possible.

Yours in kindness and care

Claire Culley
Otis CEO

Category: News

Support Otis

Each year, thanks to generous supporters, The Otis Foundation makes close to 3,500 nights available across its network of retreats at no cost to people dealing with Breast Cancer and their loved ones.

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